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A Variable Order Adams-Bashforth-Moulton PECE solver for non-stiff intial value problem (IVP)

Syntax for 1st-Order IVP

adams(dydt, t_start, t_end, nstep, y0)


dydt is a user defined function of the form dydt(t, y) => {some expression of y and t}

t_start is a real number for initial time

t_end is a real number of end time

nstep is an positive integer implies the preferred time steps for the solutions

y0 is a real number for the initial value of y when t = t_start  


A row vector gives the time points of t for the solutions

A column vector gives the solutions y for the time points t.

adams(dydt, t_start, t_end, nstep, y0, abserr, relerr)


dydt is a user defined function of the form dydt(y, t) => {some expression of y and t}

t_start is a real number for initial time

t_end is a real number of end time

nstep is an positive integer implies the preferred time steps for the solutions

y0 is a real number for the initial value of y when t = t_start  

abserr is a real number for absolute tolerance

relerr is a real number for relative tolerance


A row vector gives the time points of t for the solutions

A column vector gives the solutions y for the time points t.

adams(dydt, t, y0)


dydt is a user defined function of the form dydt(y, t) => {some expression of y and t}

t is a row/column vector which gives the preferred time points for the solutions

y0 is a real number for the initial value of y when t = t[0]


A row vector gives the time points of t for the solutions

A column vector gives the solutions y for the time points t.

adams(dydt, t, y0, abserr, relerr)


dydt is a user defined function of the form dydt(y, t) => {some expression of y and t}

t is a row/column vector which gives the preferred time points for the solutions

y0 is a real number for the initial value of y when t = t[0]

abserr is a real number for absolute tolerance

relerr is a real number for relative tolerance


A row vector gives the time points of t for the solutions

A column vector gives the solutions y for the time points t.

Example I

Solve Problem


     y(0) = 1

between the time [0,20].



dydt(t, y) => 0.25*y*(1-y/20)

adams(dydt, 0, 20, 5, 1)

dydt(t, y) => 0.25*y*(1-y/20)

adams(dydt, 0, 20, 5, 1, 1.0e-10, 1.0e-10)

dydt(t, y) => 0.25*y*(1-y/20)

t=[0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]

adams(dydt, t, 1)

dydt(t, y) => 0.25*y*(1-y/20)

t=[0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]

adams(dydt, t, 1, 1.0e-10, 1.0e-10)


Problem has an exact solution of y(t) = 20.0 / ( 1.0 + 19.0 * exp ( - 0.25 * t ) )

Compare the numerical solution above with the exact solution you get

Syntax for High-Order IVP

adams(<dy1dt, ...>, t_start, t_end, nstep, y0)


<dy1dt, dy2dt, ...> is a group of user defined functions of the form dydt(t, y1, y2, ...) => {some expression of t, y1, y2, ...}, which are enclosed with '<>'. These functions defined the all 1st-order IVP differential equations converted from the high-order ODE.

t_start is a real number for initial time

t_end is a real number of end time

nstep is an positive integer implies the preferred time steps for the solutions

y0 is a real number for the initial value of y when t = t_start  


A row vector gives the time points of t for the solutions

A matrix gives the solutions y for the time points t whose first column is solution for y1, second row for y2, etc.

adams(<dy1dt, ...>, t_start, t_end, nstep, y0, abserr, relerr)


<dy1dt, dy2dt, ...> is a group of user defined functions of the form dydt(t, y1, y2, ...) => {some expression of t, y1, y2, ...}, which are enclosed with '<>'. These functions defined the all 1st-order IVP differential equations converted from the high-order ODE.

t_start is a real number for initial time

t_end is a real number of end time

nstep is an positive integer implies the preferred time steps for the solutions

y0 is a real number for the initial value of y when t = t_start  

abserr is a real number for absolute tolerance

relerr is a real number for relative tolerance


A row vector gives the time points of t for the solutions

A matrix gives the solutions y for the time points t whose first column is solution for y1, second row for y2, etc.

adams(<dy1dt, ...>, t, y0)


<dy1dt, dy2dt, ...> is a group of user defined functions of the form dydt(t, y1, y2, ...) => {some expression of t, y1, y2, ...}, which are enclosed with '<>'. These functions defined the all 1st-order IVP differential equations converted from the high-order ODE.

t is a row/column vector which gives the preferred time points for the solutions

y0 is a real number for the initial value of y when t = t[0]


A row vector gives the time points of t for the solutions

A matrix gives the solutions y for the time points t whose first column is solution for y1, second row for y2, etc.

adams(<dy1dt, ...>, t, y0, abserr, relerr)


<dy1dt, dy2dt, ...> is a group of user defined functions of the form dydt(t, y1, y2, ...) => {some expression of t, y1, y2, ...}, which are enclosed with '<>'. These functions defined the all 1st-order IVP differential equations converted from the high-order ODE.

t is a row/column vector which gives the preferred time points for the solutions

y0 is a real number for the initial value of y when t = t[0]

abserr is a real number for absolute tolerance

relerr is a real number for relative tolerance


A row vector gives the time points of t for the solutions

A matrix gives the solutions y for the time points t whose first column is solution for y1, second row for y2, etc.

Example 2

Solve Problem

      y''+ y = 0

      y(0) = 1; y'(0) = 0;  

between the time [0, 2π].

The above 2nd order ODE can be rewritten to a group of two 1st order ODE

      y1' =  y2

      y2' = -y1

      y1(0) = 1; y2(0) = 0;



dy1dt(t, y1, y2) => y2

dy2dt(t, y1, y2) => - y1

adams(<dy1dt, dy2dt>, 0, 2*Pi, 12, [1, 0])


Problem has an exact solution of y(t) = cos(t)

Compare the numerical solution above with the exact solution you get

See Also

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